Various Processes of Cleaning You May Want to Know

by Kris
Various Processes of Cleaning

Laser cleaning refers to a unique process of removing different contaminants like oil and oxides via laser ablation. The process allows for the selective removal of various contaminants with just little impact on the actual substrate. As you may know, industrial cleaning is pretty much involving. So what is a laser cleaner and how many types of cleaning processes are there on the market?

The actual removal of oil from different metal parts is known to be annoying. The processes involve chemical solvents that are rather specific to every material that needs to be removed. This implies it may be prudent to replace an old part instead of giving it a new look. While it may be slightly blurry what a laser machine actually does, there are legitimate answers to some of your questions as outlined in this article.

 Background Information

The importance of laser cleaning is tremendously growing, especially in applications like the removal of debris from various semiconductors. The same applies to art conservation.

And with the rise in the introduction of a protocol that proposes reduction on the environmental as well as health grounds when it comes to the uses of solvents like CFCs which are usually utilized in cleaning, it is highly expected that additional available industrial elements of laser cleaning can emerge in the future. Let us look at the basics of dry laser cleaning.

Dry Laser Cleaning

There are various types of laser cleaning processes. Dry laser cleaning is just one of them. It is often used in various industries as researched in academia where generally it is founded on a thermal energy transfer found between the contaminant as well as the substrate.

Typically, it will end up, resulting in the rapid thermal expansion of different components that offer some force to get rid of the particles. One common problem encountered in the technique is the reduced cleaning efficacy since the decomposing products build-up, thereby masking the surface that needs cleaning.

 Wet Steam Cleaning

Wet laser cleaning is a process that utilizes a liquid layer which absorbs the wavelength in use. Laser irradiation may rapidly heat the liquid, thereby forcing the particles found on the surface to evaporate. As a result, some particles will be forced from the surface. Alternatively, a workpiece can be kept in a humid atmosphere, resulting in condensed water.

Steam laser cleaning utilizes a think liquid layer, highly condensed on the surface of the substrate. The liquid layer will then be superheated, causing the nucleation of different bubbles in the liquid’s solid surface.

As a result, high pressure will be released. The pressure may be strong enough to yank out particles from the surface. Generally, steam cleaning needs lower laser influences, especially for the removal of particles.

Fiber Laser Cleaning

Just like there are several cleaning processes on the market, there is more than one type of laser cleaning process. We have highlighted the most important ones in this blog post, hoping that they will have an impact on the type of business you are running.


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